   safety and fees
Studio Mojo
Eat More Fish Motorcycle Shop



This course may require the use of hazardous chemicals or equipment that the University Safety Committee recognizes as potentially hazardous to a student's safety and health. Every instructor is required to provide instructional information and training on safe handling and usage procedures prior to engaging students in the use of hazardous chemicals or equipment.

In addition, students are advised to notify the instructor or labortory supervisor of any medications or conditions that may impair their mental alertness and/or their ability to safely engage in the use of any hazardous chemical or equipment. All students should participate in the use of hazardous chemicals and equipment only under the direct supervision of the instructor or by approval of the instructor, using recommended methods and procedures. Failure to adhere to the outlined safety precautions could result in disciplinary action.


Studio/lab fees are required in this ceramics course as well as most studio/lab courses in the art department to cover the cost of consumable items. In ceramics, that would include such items as cla and glaze materials. Without the fees we could not provide these expensive materials and the cost of purchase would be prohibitive to individuals students enrolled in the class. In essence, without the fees, your experience would be, at best, very limited and would not be comparable to ceramics courses offered at comparable institutions.