   safety and fees
Studio Mojo
Eat More Fish Motorcycle Shop


Centigrade to Fahrenheit: (temp x 9/5) + 32
e.g. 100°C x 9/5 = 180, 180 + 32 = 212°F

Fahrenheit to Centigrade: 5/9 x (temp - 32)
e.g. 212°F - 32 = 180, 180 x 5/9 = 100°C

Chemical Compound Earth as a Whole Common Red Clay North Carolina Kaolin
SiO2 59.14% 57.02% 46.18%
Al2O3 15.34% 19.15% 38.38%
Fe2O3 6.88% 6.7% .57%
MgO 3.49% 3.08% .42%
CaO 5.08% 4.26% -----
Na2O 3.84% 2.38% 1.22%
K2O 3.13% 2.03% -----
H2O 1.15% 3.45% 13.28%
TiO2 1.05% .91% -----