Study Guide: Final Exam SP 07
Home Up Health Syllabus Health Syllabus ONLINE Health Readings Health Links Assignment: Waiting Room Analysis Assignment: Recent Health Experience Notes: Caregiver Perspective Notes: Social Support Notes: Cultural Conceptions Notes: Illness Narratives Notes: Health & Media Narratives, Poems, & Reflections Assignment: Worksheet Wittenburg Article Assignment: Special Needs Assignment: Drug Ad Analysis Student Comments on Narratives Assignment: Film Analysis Paper Guidelines Assisngment: Survey Special Needs Project Study Guide: Final Exam SP 07

Health Communication, Final Exam Study Guide, Spring 2007

Final Exam Time: Monday, April 30th, 8-10 in our regular classroom

All the notes for this study guide are on this website, except for leadership and team work in health care organizations. Those
notes were handed out by Rusty and Scot from their presentation.

The exam will be mainly multiple choice with some true-false. Expect 50 or more questions. Good luck and happy studying :-)

Social Support:

-Define social support including the three types: emotional, informational, instrumental (I may give examples and you match the example with the type)

-Define crisis

-Define normalcy

-Difference between internal vs. external locus of control


-Know the five Kubler-Ross stages of death and dying (I may again give examples and you match the example with the stage)

-What did our guest speaker, Robin Patten, say that about dysfunctional grief?

Cultural Conceptions of Illness:

-Health as harmony: Specific cultures: Navajo/Ojibway/Chinese/Native American/

-Specific religious beliefs about health: Hindu/Buddhism/Islam/Judaism/Christianity/Appalachians

-Curing versus healing

-Difference between Complementary vs. alternative medicine: Types of (terms like Reiki, etc.)

-Role of the FDA in regulating herbs

-Define spirituality, including the Latin word and meaning

-Difference between agnostic vs. atheist  (can both be “spiritual”)c

-Define spiritual distress

-Define care

-Difference between organic perspective to health and health as harmony perspective

Illness Narratives:

-Social constructionist perspective

-Walter Fisher’s name for the human species and what it means

-Voice of medicine vs. voice of lifeworld

-Psychosocial maps

-Disease vs. illness

-Five functions of narrative (given examples, pick out which function)

-According to the Wittenberg-Lyles article, what kind of training has hospice volunteers benefit from?

-According to the same article, what is a good death

Health and Media:

-Three stages of media literacy

-FDA drug ad guidelines

-Leading influences (in order) on adolescent drinking behavior, according to Dr. Hansen

-Identify the basic premise of:

                Social learning theory

                Social comparison theory

                Cultivation theory

                Limited effects theories/two-step flow

                Powerful effects theories/magic bullet/hypodermic needle

-Define parental mediation

-Average woman’s size vs. size of a model

-Purpose of alcohol ads

-Advantages/disadvantages of direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising

Leadership and Teamwork in Health Communication: (Rusty and Scot’s presentation)

-How many nurses will health-care organizations be short-staffed in 2010?

-In an article by Studer in 1998, what did health care executives list as strategies for organizational change? What did not make the list?

-According to Drucker, health care teams used to focus like what kind of team? What kind of team do contemporary health care teams resemble?


This website is maintained by Marceline Thompson Hayes,

This page last updated August 21, 2007

Arkansas State University