Health Readings
Home Up Health Syllabus Health Syllabus ONLINE Health Readings Health Links Assignment: Waiting Room Analysis Assignment: Recent Health Experience Notes: Caregiver Perspective Notes: Social Support Notes: Cultural Conceptions Notes: Illness Narratives Notes: Health & Media Narratives, Poems, & Reflections Assignment: Worksheet Wittenburg Article Assignment: Special Needs Assignment: Drug Ad Analysis Student Comments on Narratives Assignment: Film Analysis Paper Guidelines Assisngment: Survey Special Needs Project Study Guide: Final Exam SP 07

Some of these articles will be assigned throughout the semester. Note that they can be found online by accessing our library's 'article databases.' Search for the

following full-text articles at the Communication and Mass Media Complete' database at our library:

Dean B. Ellis Library


The Association for Science Education. History of Medicine. Retrieved on July 31, 2006 from

Anderson, J., & Martin, P. (2003).  Narratives and healing: exploring one family’s

stories of cancer survivorship. Health Communication, 15, 133-143.

Baxter, L., Hirokawa, J., Nathan, P., & Pearce, L. (2004). Dialogic voices in talking about drinking and pregnancy.

        Journal of Applied Communication Research, 32, 224-248.

Caplan, S., Haslett, B., & Burleson, B. (2005). Telling it like it is: The adaptive function

of narratives in coping with loss in later life. Health Communication, 17, 233-251.

Ellis, B. H., & Miller, K. (1994). Supportive communication among nurses: Effects on

commitment, burnout, and retention. Health Communication, 6, 77-97.

Guttman, N., & Harris, W. (2002). On being responsible: Ethical issues in appeals to

personal responsibility in health campaigns. Journal of Health Communication, 6,


Huh, J., & Becker, L. (2005). Direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising: Understanding and its consequences

        International Journal of Advertising, 24, 441-466.

Jones, R. (2005). Identity commitments in personal stories of mental illness on the

internet. Narrative Inquiry, 15, 293-322.

Kaphingst, K., Dejong, W., & Dalroy, L. (2004). A content analysis of direct-to-

consumer television prescription drug advertisements. Journal of

Health Communication, 9, 515-528.

Keeley, M. (2004). Final conversations: Messages of love. Qualitative Research Reports,

5, 34-40.

Noar, S. (2006). A 10-year retrospective of research in health mass media campaigns:

Where do we go from here? Journal of Health Communication, 11, 21-42. (Note:

Go to ‘Linked Full Text’)

Reeves, P. (2000). Coping in cyberspace: The impact of internet use on the ability of

HIV-Positive individuals to deal with their illness. Journal of Health

Communication, 5, 47-59.

Matthews, A., Stellergren, S., & Manfredi, C., & Williams, M. (2002). Factors

influencing medical information seeking among African American cancer

patients. Journal of Health Communication, 7, 205-219.

Sharf, B. F., & Vanderford, M. L. (2003).  Illness narratives and the social construction of reality. In T. L. Thompson, A. M. Dorsey, K. I. Miller, & R. Parrott (Eds.),

        Handbook of Health Communication, 9-34
. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. NOTE: You will have to find a hard copy of this in the library.

Tamaskar, P., & Rising, J. (2000). Theoretical models of delivering universal health care: An

analysis of important concepts. Retrieved on July 28, 2006 from

Quick, B., Brooks, C., Stephenson, M., & Mina, W. (2003). Physicians and patients speak out: A qualitative assessment
            analyzing the PALS brochure in medical interactions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International

            Communication Association, San Diego, CA.

Vegni, E., Visioli, S., Moja, E. A., (2005). When talking to the patient is difficult: The

physician’s perspective. Communication and Medicine, 2, 69-76.

Note: Access this article directly from here:

Wanless, M. D. (2001). Barbie's body images. Feminist Media Studies, 1, 125-127.

Weisgerber, C., (2004). Turning to the internet for help on sensitive medical problems.

Information, Communication, & Society, 7, 554-574

Wittenberg-Lyles, E. M. (2006). Narratives of hospice volunteers: Perspectives on death and dying. Qualitative Research Reports in

, 7, 51-56.

This website is maintained by Marceline Thompson Hayes,

This page last updated August 21, 2007

Arkansas State University