Assisngment: Survey Special Needs Project
Home Up Health Syllabus Health Syllabus ONLINE Health Readings Health Links Assignment: Waiting Room Analysis Assignment: Recent Health Experience Notes: Caregiver Perspective Notes: Social Support Notes: Cultural Conceptions Notes: Illness Narratives Notes: Health & Media Narratives, Poems, & Reflections Assignment: Worksheet Wittenburg Article Assignment: Special Needs Assignment: Drug Ad Analysis Student Comments on Narratives Assignment: Film Analysis Paper Guidelines Assisngment: Survey Special Needs Project Study Guide: Final Exam SP 07

Your Name:                                                                                        

Directions:  Answer each question below.

1) How much did you learn about what it is like to raise a special needs child as a result of reading the 20 narratives/poems/stories (hereafter referred to as narratives)? On a scale of 1-5 how much would you say you learned as a result of reading the narratives?

1 (A great deal)
5 (Nothing at all)

2.  How much did you learn about what it is like to raise a special needs child as a result of class discussion about the narratives?

1 (A great deal)
5 (Nothing at all)

3. I now know more about what it is like to raise a special needs child as a result of reading the narratives?

Strongly Agree          Agree            Neither Agree Nor Disagree                 Disagree         Strongly Disagree

4.  I now know more about what it is like to raise a special needs child as a result of class discussion about the narratives.

Strongly Agree          Agree            Neither Agree Nor Disagree                 Disagree         Strongly Disagree

5.  What do you think are three predominant themes ran throughout the narratives?




6.  Name one thing that impressed you as you read narratives?



7.  Were you surprised by the reactions of other students during class discussion?

 Circle: Yes     or        No

If yes, what surprised you?                                                                                                                 


8. Did you read the comments the others students made; the ones posted on your instructor’s webpage?

Circle:  Yes     or        No

If yes, was there a comment/reaction that surprised you or impressed you in some way?                              


9.  For each item, circle the response that reflects your position. Reading and discussing the narratives has:

Increased my understanding of what it may be like to parent a special needs child

Strongly Agree          Agree            Neither Agree Nor Disagree                 Disagree         Strongly Disagree


Given me a more realistic view of what it may be like to parent a special needs child

Strongly Agree          Agree            Neither Agree Nor Disagree                 Disagree         Strongly Disagree


Made me more empathic towards special needs children

Strongly Agree          Agree            Neither Agree Nor Disagree                 Disagree         Strongly Disagree


Made me more empathic towards parents of special needs children

Strongly Agree          Agree            Neither Agree Nor Disagree                 Disagree         Strongly Disagree


Increased my chances of being able to communicate effectively with a parent of a special needs child if the opportunity arose

Strongly Agree          Agree            Neither Agree Nor Disagree                 Disagree         Strongly Disagree


Increased my chances of being able to communicate effectively with a special needs child if the opportunity arouse

Strongly Agree          Agree            Neither Agree Nor Disagree                 Disagree         Strongly Disagree


This website is maintained by Marceline Thompson Hayes,

This page last updated August 21, 2007

Arkansas State University