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 Eng 4183-01/5183-001

Renaissance Drama Excluding Shakespeare

Tuesdays & Thursdays Schedule

This course is a survey of selected plays from different periods of the Renaissance drama, including Doctor Faustus, The Spanish Tragedy, Titus Andronicus (because many deny the Shakespeare authorship), The Revenger's Tragedy, The Duchess of Malfi, The Alchemist, The Changeling, and `Tis Pity She's A Whore. Each class will consist of lecture and class discussion.  In addition, some aspect of the Elizabethan/Jacobean theatre or the age of the dramatists will accompany the discussion of each play. No prerequisite for the class is required, although even a cursory knowledge of Shakespeare will help.

Class requirements consist of one paper, six to eight typed pages, a midterm and final examination. Students may choose to do two papers -- four to five pages -- rather than one in order to learn from the first paper. If you want or need attention with your writing, I recommend the two shorter papers. For graduate students, please do two papers, a minimum of five pages each, incorporating secondary sources.

Class attendance is mandatory, which includes being on time. More than four absences will severely affect your grade: please show respect to other students, me, and yourself by attending class regularly.

Any edition or anthology of the plays will serve for the class; however, I have ordered individual copies of editions I prefer, which are available at the bookstore. I have also ordered several secondary works you may find beneficial, but none of these is required for the class. In addition, a Reading List, which you may find helpful for the class or in writing your paper, is available upon request. You may also find the photocopy packet from Shakespeare Survey helpful; it has information on the medieval stage, drawings of stages, writing suggestions, a sample paper, and other useful information. It too is available at the bookstore.

I hope you find the plays and background material for this class as interesting and exciting as I do; it's unfortunate that so many excellent plays have been eclipsed by Shakespeare's work. The Renaissance drama is, pound for pound, the greatest single corpus of literature in English.

My office is located in the Honors Program (at the back of the Ellis Library, directly across from Communications and Education), LIB 103. I’m in each day of the week from about 9:00 a.m. until this class (with another immediately after this one). The number is 972-2308, and my email is wnarey@astate.edu.


Syllabus for Renaissance Drama


8: Introduction to Elizabethan Stage

10: Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus

15: Faustus; Stage conventions

17: Faustus; Poetry

22: Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy

24: Spanish Tragedy; Audiences

29: Spanish Tragedy

31: Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus


5: Titus; the authorship controversy

7: Titus

12: Information on the paper

14: Tourneur’s The Revenger’s Tragedy

19: Revenger’s Tragedy; Jacobean tragedy

21: Revenger’s Tragedy

26: Midterm Examination; 1st paper due

28: Jonson’s The Alchemist; Jacobean Comedy


5 & 7: No Class

11 – 15: Spring Break

19: Alchemist

21: Alchemist

26: Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi

28: Duchess of Malfi; character portraiture


2: Duchess of Malfi

4: Middleton & Rowley’s The Changeling

9: Changeling; psychological drama

11: Changeling

16: Ford’s ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whore

18: ‘Tis Pity; end of an era

23: ‘Tis Pity

25: Review; Final paper due


7: Final Examination (10:15 a.m.)



This page maintained by Wayne Narey; suggestions and comments appreciated--please contact wnarey@astate.edu