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Spring 2008 Syllabus for Introduction to Western Literature 1, sections -004 and 012

The text: The Norton Anthology of Western Literature, 8th edition, volume 1, W. W. Norton & Company, edited by Lawall, et al., 2006--available at the ASU Bookstore or the Indian Bookstore (should you wish, you may order the text from Kristi Walters at Barnes and Noble, Turtle Creek Mall, or online at such sites as Amazon.com; the freading for the first week of classes offers you the opportunity to find the text or to choose alternative places to purchase it; as well, remember that you can read the texts on "Reserve" at the Ellis Library).


14:  (First class) Course requirements; lecture on the background of literature

16: Hebraic literature; Genesis 1-3

18: Genesis, cont.

21: Martin Luther King Day observed (no class)

23: Genesis 22 (Abraham and Isaac)

25: Gilgamesh (Tablet and Book XI)

28: Gilgamesh, cont.

30: Gilgamesh, cont.


1: Sophocles: Oedipus the King; introduction to Greek tragedy

4: Oedipus

6: Oedipus

8: Oedipus

11: Aristotle: The Poetics

13: Ovid: The Metamorphosis (“Creation”)

15: Information on the paper (please check website prior to class; www.clt.astate.edu/wnarey)

18:  Courtly Love; Marie de France

20:  Marie: “Lanval”

22:  Marie: “Laustic”

25: Dante: The Inferno (Cantos 1-6)

27: The Inferno, cont.

29:  Midterm Examination


3: Introduction to the “secular” short story: religion vs. carpe diem

5: Boccaccio: (9th story of the 4th day)

7: Boccaccio: (8th story of the 5th day)

10: Poetry: an introduction to the “modern” poem

12: Petrarch: Sonnet 3 (“It was the day…”)

14: Petrarch, cont.: Sonnet 61 (“Blest be the day …”); Sonnet 90 (“She used to let …)

17 – 21:  Spring Break

24: Introduction to Elizabethan theatre & Shakespeare

26: Hamlet

28: Hamlet

31: Hamlet


2:  Hamlet

4:  Hamlet

7:  Hamlet

9:  Poetry: Shakespeare’s Sonnets (handouts)

12: Shakespeare, cont.

14: Donne: “The Flea”; “The Relic”

16: (Last day to drop a class or withdraw from university): Donne: “The Canonization”

18: Information on the paper; second information session

21: Donne: Holy Sonnet 14 (“Batter my heart …”)

23: Francisco de Quevedo: “A Love Constant Beyond Death”

25: Captain John Smith: “Pocahontas”

28: (Last class) Review

29: Study Day

30: Final examinations begin; end on May 6.  Grades available at 3:00 p.m., Friday, May 9.

(Please do not email regarding grades; any errors, questions, etc. cannot be addressed until the 1st Summer Term, as of May 28)


10: 7:00 p.m., Commencement

This page maintained by Wayne Narey; suggestions and comments appreciated--please contact wnarey@astate.edu