Study Guide for Final Exam
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Study Guide for Final Exam

Chapter 6, Being Credible and Using Evidence
-What are supporting materials?
-What are the four types of examples?
-What is a survey?
-What is testimonial evidence?
-What is lay, expert, and celebrity testimony? (Is any one of the three always “best”?)
-What are statistics?
-What are the tips for using statistics? (see notes)
-What is an analogy?
-What is an explanation?
-What is a definition? What is jargon?
-Know when to use what kinds of supporting materials.

Chapter 8, Delivery and Visual Resources
-What is delivery?
-What are the four modes of delivery?
-What are examples of each and in what situations do they work best?
-What are the following aspects of vocal delivery? (and proper use of)
        -Pitch? What pitch do the best public speakers use?
        -Rate? What is the normal rate of delivery? What US president spoke more slowly than average? Which spoke more quickly than average?
        -Pauses? Vocalized pauses/Nonfluencies?
        -Volume? What can variations in volume convey?
        -Enunciation? Pronunciation? Articulation?
        -Fluency? Can one be too fluent?
        -Vocal variety? What is the relationship between vocal variety and listener comprehension?
-What are the following aspects of bodily delivery? (and proper use of)
        -Facial expression?
        -Eye contact?

-What are visual aids?
-What are benefits for using visual aids?
-What are the types of visual aids and tips on each?
-What are tips for using visual aids?

Chapter 3, Interpersonal Communication
-What is interpersonal communication?
-What are interpersonal relationships?
-What is inclusion, affection, and control?
-What is the different between complementary vs. symmetrical relationships?
-What is self-disclosure?
-What is the Johari Window and the four quadrants?
-Why is an understanding of self-disclosure important?

Chapter 4, Small Group Communication
-What is a small group?
-What are advantages and disadvantages of working in small groups?
-What are the four types of small groups and examples?
-What is a leadership?
-What are French and Raven’s 5 bases of power?
-What is the difference between a designated vs. emergent leader?
-What are differences among democratic, laissez-faire, and autocratic leaders? Which style do American’s prefer?
-What are contingency approaches to leadership?
-What is a communication approach to leadership?
-What is cohesion? What are the elements of cohesion?
-What is groupthink?
-What are the ways decisions are made? What is the best way and why is it the best?
-What are guidelines for brainstorming?
-What are four problem solving guidelines?
-What are differences among questions of fact, value, and policy?

-Guidelines for answering questions

This website is maintained by Marceline Thompson Hayes,

This page last updated August 21, 2007

Arkansas State University