Persuasive Guidelines
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Guidelines for the Persuasive/Point-of-View Speech

7-9 minutes, 75 pts.

The purpose of this speech is to provide your point-of-view on a significant, controversial topic (i.e., there must be two sides to the topic) in a non-threatening, logical way while supporting your point-of-view with credible evidence outside your self. Your must adapt as much as possible to the communication situation and audience (demographics, attitudes, beliefs, values) while being perceived as reasonable and honest. You don’t necessarily need to win anyone over. Sometimes getting a fair listen is all you can reasonably hope to accomplish. Utilize this opportunity to show off how much you have learned about the art of public speaking.

 Provide a 2-3 page, typed Roman numeral, full-sentence outline. Provide at least one visual aid.


  • Creative attention getter
  • Strong credibility/good will statement
  • Strong audience appeal statement—how does your topic affect your audience and what are you asking from them?
  • Clear purpose and preview


  • Minimum of 4 sources cited in speech and on your outline in APA format
  • Cite information regarding your sources
  • Address opposing views on your topic
  • Use effective transitions (internal summaries, internal previews, signposts)
  • Use the most appropriate types of supporting material—remember tips for using statistics


  • Signal end
  • Summarize your key points
  • Restate your position—again, how does topic affect audience and what are you asking from them?
  • Creative ending
  • You may wish to refer to the content of your introduction


  • Should be polished
  • Use effective eye-contact: no quick glances, no looking at wall, one spot or one side of the room
  • Use natural gestures but integrate some purposeful ones to emphasize your points
  • Don’t kick, grip, or lean on podium
  • Keep hands out of pockets! Take off hats! No chewing gum! You get the point.
  • Use vocal variety, pronounce your words correctly and clearly, and use appropriate volume
  • Remember tips for using visual aids
  • If you are running over time, where can you cut information out of the body without losing continuity
  • Give your speech on your speech day!  (make-ups available only with legitimate documentation presented no later than one class period after missed speech; minimum of 2 letter grade deduction.

This website is maintained by Marceline Thompson Hayes,

This page last updated August 21, 2007

Arkansas State University