Study Guide for Cultural Anthropology, Final Exam*


I.  Multiple Choice  Some of these are similar to those that have appeared on your quizzes, but questions will also cover readings assigned that I did not quiz you over, as well as material from class presentations.  Most, if not all, of your exam will be multiple choice and perhaps True/False.


II.  Matching and Identifications.  There may be some terms that you will match to their definitions, perhaps a few you will identify, while others will appear in multiple choice, True/False questions.  The terms will come from this list:


achieved status                        ascribed status                         caste system                             class system

closed system                          conflict theory                         functionalism                           life chances

open system                             power                                          prestige                                      social mobility

wealth                                         achieved/ascribed status      age sets                                       age grade                                  

mediation                                  Kpelle moot                             leadership                                  legitimate power

political ideology                   political process                      hegemony                                 illegitimate power

government                              law                                               stratified society                     rebellion

revolution                                  egalitarian society                  factions                                      complementary opposition

chiefdom                                   citizenship                                 compensation                          segmentary lineage system

political organization            social diffentiation                 social complexity                   tribe                          

authority                                    band                                             bigman                                       anthropomorphic

anthropopsychic                     antistructure                             cleric                                           communitas           

contagious magic                   cosmology                                divination                                  Ghost Dance         

god                                               imitative magic                       liminal                                        magic

mana                                           messianic                                   millenarian                               Native American Church

nativism                                     monotheism                              naturalistic                                neopagan

oricha                                          peyote                                         Peyote Road                             pharmacopoeia

polytheism                                prayer                                         priest                                           reincorporation

religion                                       revitalization movement      rite of intensification            rite of passage

ritual                                            sacred narratives                     sacrifice                                     scapulomancy

separation                                  shaman                                       sorcery                                        syncretism

totem                                           totemism                                    trickster                                      vision quest

vitalism                                      Wiccan                                       witchcraft                                  zoomorphic

Sir James Frazier                    art                                                 deep play                                   Nathaniel Barrow

folk art                                        orientalism                                colonialism                               corvée labor

development                            Heeren XVII                            industrialization                      Dutch East India Company

joint stock company              maquiladores                           modernization theory           monoculture plantation

multinational corporation   peonage                                      percapita GNP                         pillage

vassalage                                   VOC                                            voluntary associations          World Bank

assimilationist model            ethnic boundaries                   ethnic groups                           ethnic identity

ethnicity                                     indigenous people                  melting pot model                  mosaic model

nation-state                               transnationailsm                     the Kaluli of Papua New Guinea


III.  Short Answers.  There may be a few questions which can be answered by a phrase or word.  These will come from Chapters 12-17 in the text; and from classroom presentations.  The following outline may possibly help you organize your notes:


I.  Political Systems

                  A. Bands and Tribes    B. Chiefdoms     C.   States      D.  Types of Conflict Resolution

II.  Stratification

A. Criteria: Power, Wealth, Prestige    B. Ascription and Achievement     C. Class, Caste, and Race

III.  Ethnicity

A.          Perspectives on Ethnicity

B.          Ethnicity and the Nation State         C. Indigenous Peoples     D. Cultural Diversity in the U.S.

IV.  Belief Systems: Religion and World View

                  A.  Magic, Science, and Religion

                  B.  Means of addressing the supernatural: prayer, sacrifice, magic, divination

                  C.  Religious Practitioners: priests and shamans

                  D. Witchcraft and Sorcery                                     

V. The Arts

A.  Anthropological Perspectives      B.  Functions of Art

C.  Deep Play       D.  Identity and Art  

E.  Fine Art and Folk Art: Nathaniel Barrow’s art   F.   Art and Marketing Strategies

VI. Cultural Change

                  A. The World in 1400    B. European Expansion: Motives and Methods    C. Colonialism  

D. Independence and Development: multinational corporations and the Kaluli of Papua New Guinea   E. Globalization


*Check your syllabus to verify the time and place of your final exam.  Failure to take the exam at the designated time automatically results in a course grade of “F.”