Mary Jackson Pitts, Ph.D.


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Chapter one

A. Introduction

What are elections Brosius & Kepplinger (1992) p1

Jacobson (1987) p2

1. History of Television in the Political Process

a. Jamieson stuff (1984), Jameison and Campbell stuff (1983) p.1&2

b. Devlin in kaid, nimmo and sanders

c. Funik (1990)... 30 second spots and their value.

d. haddock (1986) Horn (1986). same sheet of paper.

e. Fritz & Morris

Diamond and Bates (1988)

f. Hinds (1990).

g. lang and Lang (1984) p4

....Donovan(1992) Money spent on races.

...holmes & Wells (1992)


2. What is the ideal research and what can actually be done Josyln (1984) p1


B. Statement of the Problem

Josyln (1984) p2,3


Definition of advertising Kaid in Nimmo and Sanders (1981) pg 5



C. Justification Lang and lang (19840 p4

1. agenda setting stuff and summer paper

a. shaw and martin 1992 JQ p 906

b. Jacobson, found in cundy article in kaid and

nimmo page 3

c. Patterson and McCLure 1974 findings. page 22- 23,26

d. Patterson and Mcclure 1975 p 8, 9

e. Garramone et al (1990) page 2

f. Soldow & Principe (1981). I ask Is news an

involving program.

g. Iyengar and Kinder 1987 page 1

h. Bryant and Comisky (1978) p1

i. Josyln (1981) p1

j. Kaid, Chanslor and HOvind (1992)p 1.2

k. Zurawik (1987) political ads and news a

dangeriosu mix.

Mundorf, Zillman, Drew (1991) p 4 ,5

Roberts (1992)

Atwood and Sanders (1975) pg 5 of nimmo and sanders 1981)

Kaid in Nimmo and Sanders (1981) suggest future research in the area that I am study pg 6


D. Lit Review

Effective ness of ads.....cundy found in kaid and nimm, found evidence supporting patterson and mcclure

Patterson and mcclure.....1973,1974

Garromone (1984) on sponsorship

Atkins etal (1973)

Just, Crigler, Wallach(1990) p2 Will viewers learn from ads and from news.

Yum and Kendall (1988) some is already in paper.other may need to be added.

1. Agenda setting stuff....from goff and smith paper. Policy...public ...and media agenda

McCombs (1992) look at article.

McCombs (1981) in Nimmo and Sanders p2 Obtrusive and unobtrusive.

shaw and martin 1992 JQ p 906 discusses some limitations of agenda setting p3

Josyln (1984) p2,3 This will help tie politiccs into agenda setting.

Patterson and McCLure(1975) page 9

Zhaoe, Xinshu, Chaffee, Blese, and David (1992)

Zhao, XInshu, Bleske, and Chaffee (1993) learning from ads and news.

Iyengar and Kinder (1987) page 1,2,3,4

Iyengar and Kinder 1983 p1 gives details of 1987


Lasora and Wanta (1990) p1,2

Dearing and Rogers stuff and more

Carter, Stamm & Heintz-Knowles (1992)

Brosius & Kepplinger (1992) p1,2

Wanta & Wu, (1992) p1-2

Schoenbach, Semetko (1992) p1 &2

Zhu (1992) p1

Roberts 1992) p1 and 2

Diamond and Bates.p3,4

Kaid in Nimmo and Sanders (1981) p5 agenda setting and paid ads.

Weaver (1984)

Schleuder, McCombs and Wanta (1991) in Biocca 1991 Volume 2. p3,4,5,6 This is good stuff for method.

Latimer (1984) page 1

Swartz and Meyer (1985). article no abstract.

2. Image vs Issue

Patterson and Mcclure.1973, 1974, 1975

Garramone (1983)

Faber (1984) p1,2 definitions of image and issue

Thorson etal(1991).

Roddy and Garramone (1988) page1


3. Negative vs Postive

Hartmann(1990) a newsbank thing.

Roddy and Garramone (1988) page1

Garromone etal (1990)

Johnson-cartee & COpeland (1989..


Garramone (1985) p5

Cohen, Davis (1991) p5

Definition positive vs negative Kaid & JOhnston(1991) p1,2

Merritt(1984) p3

Kaid & Boydston (1987)

Shapiro & Rieger (1992) negative vs postiive issue vs image.


Basil, Schooler and Reeves,(1991) definition.

E. Research Hypotheses

and Research Questions


Chapter two Methodology

A. Justification of Methodology... Tardy stuff.. .Campbell and Stanley....Content analysis

Garramone 1984 attached to 1983 experimental

Iyengar & Kinder (1987)

Recall vs Recognition

SOldow & Principe (1981)

Walker and Von Gonten (1989) page 1

Krugman (1988) p2

PRogram and interest stuff Krugman (1983).

Bryant and Comsiky (1978) p1

Chaffee and Schleuder (1986) page 1 & 2

SIngh, SUrendra N. ROthschild, Churchill p1,2

Martin and DItcham (1987) p1 video recall

Just, Crigler and Wallach (1990) reason for using unknown candidates. p1 and 2

SINgh, ROthschild (1983)

Drew and Weaver (1990) measures in agenda setting. So might ask how much attention did you pay to video you just saw.

Mundorf, Zillman, Drew (1991) .p4

Miller in Nimmo and Sanders (1981) stuff on experiments in political communications researchp8

Schleuder, McCombs and Wanta (1991) in Biocca 1991 Volume 2. p3,4

In case I have to use one candidates ads. Kaid and Sanders (1978) provide information on doing it this way

AIded recall Katz, Adoni, & Parness(1977)

B. Content analysis...negative and positive ads...issue and image

shaw and martin 1992 JQ p 908

Kaid & Johnston (1991). Definitions of postivie and negative.


C. Dependent Variable

QUestions about recall aided or unaided. SOldow and PRincipe page 2

Iyengar and Kinder in Kraus and perloff(1985) or the News that matters book good description of questions.page2,3

shaw and martin 1992 JQ p 908

Rank ordering..used spearman rho

Questions use of closed ended qustions page 910

Dichotomy used between sex, race, education, income, age


Garramone(1983), 1984

Questionnaire wording Iyengar and Kinder (1987). back of book

SINgh, ROthschild (1983) p2

Just ,Crigler and Wallach p2 (1990)

Thorson etal (1991) p2 and article

talks about familiarity check.

Faber p2

Might use attention or interest as variables Schoenbach and Semetkop1

Robinson and Levy (1986) page 2 of typed stuff look at Robinson and Davis Suggest a scale for attention..self report.


Gunter (1983) recalling similar stuff in a news cast. Would the ads cause the same problem. is this necessary for this study. There are several articles that are stuck together with this that deal with same item stuff in a newscast.


D. Independent Variables

Primary research sheet from SMith class notes in Advertising research.

Stimulus Iyengar and Kinder look at their book and article found in Kraus and Perloff book. Goo d stuff on designing stimulus. Iyengar and Kinder 1983 p1,2 gives details of 1987 stuff.

To insure authoenticity of newscast Schleuder, McCombs and Wanta (1991) in Biocca 1991 Volume 2. p3,4,5 This is good stuff for method.



Jacobson (1987) p2

Commercials Choice of commercials Garramone (1985) p5 allows explains why arkansas cast will be used.

Roddy and Garramone (1988)


News stories

A control group SOldow and PRincipe (1981).page 2

Mundorf, Zillman, Drew (1991) p 4 ,5

Jacobson(1987) p2

E. Procedure....Pilot Study

Cundy....article is attached to kaid, nimmon ,and sanders stuff.

Patterson and McCLUre (1975) in appendix

Garramone et al (1990)

SINgh, ROthschild (1983) p2



F. Adminstration

Garromone (1984)


G Statistics

WInd and Denny (1974) p1


Limitations of experiments

Miller in Nimmo and Sanders (1981) stuff on experiments in political communications researchp8


shaw and martin 1992 JQ p 913


Conclusions and Implications

Spero (1980)

Richards and Caywood (1991)