Mary Jackson Pitts, Ph.D.


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Research design

Mary Jackson Pitts

Research Goals

l   Pre-research phase

–  Monitor environment and literature

–  Identify problem, trends, opportunity, issue, etc

–  Research questions or hypothesis

–  Specify research method, population or sample.


Research Phase

l   Establish research design.

l   Conduct in-depth literature review.

Steps to getting the literature review completed.

l    Search Data bases

l    Shorten list to a manageable size

l    Write draft of topic statement

l    Identify relevant data bases

l    Redefine the topic

l    Search for theoretical articles

l    Identify the landmark or classic studies


Where to start doing a lit. review?

l     Learn about the types of research that have been done in the past. 

Where to start doing a lit. review?

l    Scan articles for overview

l    Group articles by category

l    Use a consistent format to take notes

l    Look for definitions of key terms

l    Distinguish between assertion and evidence

l    Identify trends

l    Identify gaps in literature.

l    Identify relationships among studies    

 The review

l   Theories 

–  Weaknesses

 The review

l   Method

–   Strengths

–  Weaknesses

 The review

l    Sample

–  Strengths

–  Weaknesses

 An example of a literature review

l   See Dr. Pitts’ Website