Mycology Course

Home / Mycology Syllabus / Intro to the Fungi / Phylum Zygomycota / Phylum Basidiomycota / Fungi as Decomposers / Phyla Ascomycota & Deuteromycota

COURSE WEB PAGE FOR MYCOLOGY - BOT 4192/4191 & BOT 5192/5191

  • Phylum Ascomycota (the sac fungi) & The Form-Phylum Deuteromycota (the imperfect fungi)

    • Mycotoxins produced by fungi in food and grain

    • Alcoholic fermentation, food modification (e.g. cheeses, soy sauce), and other useful secondary metabolites

    • Drugs and Food Products from Fungi

    • Diseases and allergies in humans caused by fungi

    • Fungal Physiology - General Overview


  • The Fungus-like Organisms: Cellular Slime Molds, Plasmodial Slime Molds, and Water Molds

The web page is maintained by Dr. Martin Huss.  Last updated: August 21, 2007