Self-Intro Evaluation Form
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Self-Introductory Speech Evaluation Form—25 points

Speaker’s Name:                                                                                Time:                        

-Gained Audience’s Attention
-Introduced Topic Clearly
-Previewed Body of Speech (Main pts.)

-Clear Main Points
-Well-developed Main Points
-Organized, Well-Planned
-Language Clear and Appropriate
-Effective Transitions between Points
-Effective Outline-Typed and Ready

-Signaled End of Speech
-Summarized/Reinforced Main Idea
-Ended on “Strong” Note (Memorable Ending)

-Effective Use of Eye-Contact
-Effective Use of Voice
(“no reading,” projected voice,  articulate etc.)
-Effective use of Body Movement and Gestures
(natural gestures, correct posture, no gripping podium,
putting hands in pockets, playing with hair, rings, objects, etc.)

What did the speaker do most effectively?                                                                                  



What should the speaker pay special attention to next time?                                                          



This website is maintained by Marceline Thompson Hayes,

This page last updated August 21, 2007

Arkansas State University