Second Exam BIOL 1003
Fall 2005
Also please read an interesting article on the Y Chromosome.

Chapter 6
What are autotrophs? What are heterotrophs?
What is the "energy currency" for the chemical reactions in living things?
What is cellular respiration? What are the four stages of cellular respiration, and where in the cell do they each take place?
Write the chemical formula for cellular respiration.
Why do we need oxygen, and where is it used?
What happens when a substance is oxidized? When it is reduced? Can one occur without the other?
What substances are common electron carriers in the cell?
Why does the mitochondrion make an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane?
Can substances other than glucose, such as amino acids and lipids, be converted into ATP through cellular respiration?
What happens to cellular respiration when oxygen is not present?
What is fermentation? What kinds of substances are produced by fermentation?
What is anabolism?
What is catabolism?
Which is more efficient - fermentation or cellular respiration? Why?

Chapter 7
Where does the energy for photosynthesis come from?
Write the chemical formula for photosynthesis.
What basic compounds do plants use to synthesis glucose?
What gas do plants give off during photosynthesis? Do they always do this or do they do something different in the dark?
Why are plants green?
What is photophosphorylation?
What is unusual about light?
What is a photon?
What are pigments, and what can they do?
What is chlorophyll, and where is it found?
What are carotenoids and what do they do?
What is an antenna complex? a photochemical reaction center?
What wavelength of light does photosystem I absorb?
photosystem II?
Where would you find a thylakoid membrane?
Where do the electrons come from to reduce P680? (What molecule is broken down, and what is given off as a "waste product"?)
What happens during the "light reactions"? During the "dark reactions"? Do the dark reactions have to take place in the dark?
What is the Calvin cycle?
What type of plants grow well in hot, dry climates? Why? How can these plants help with the energy crisis?

Chapter 8
What are HeLa cells?
What are chromosomes? What do they do? Where are they found?
After mitosis, how closely do the daughter cells resemble the parent cell?
What is binary fission? What cells divide this way?
What is meant by homologous chromosomes?
What are the three phases of interphase?
When does the DNA of a cell replicate itself?
What are the four phases of mitosis? What happens during each phase?
What is the mitotic spindle? What is a centriole? a chromatid? a kinetochore?
What is cytokinesis?
How does cytokinesis differ in plants and animals?
What is meant by cell senescence?
What is apoptosis?
What is contact inhibition?
What is an oncogene? A tumor suppressor gene?
What is the difference between a benign tumor and a malignant tumor?
What outside forces can cause a cell to lose control over cell division?

Chapter 9
What is meant by phenotype? What is a genotype?
Can environment influence the phenotype?
What is meiosis? What are the stages of meiosis?
Which is more similar to mitosis, Meiosis I or Meiosis II?
What is synapsis? Why is it important?
What structures carry the genetic information?
What is a gene?
What is a structural gene? What is a regulatory gene?
What is asexual reproduction?
What is a clone?
What advantage does sexual reproduction have in terms of genetics?
What are homologous chromosomes?
What is meant by the diploid number of chromosomes? The haploid number of chromosomes?
What are gametes? What gametes are produced by which sex?
For every dividing germ cell, how many sperm are produced? How many ova?
What is a somatic cell?
What is syngamy?
What is crossing over? What does it do?
What is nondisjunction?
What is aneuploidy?
What is trisomy?
What are autosomes? Sex chromosomes?
What are alleles ?
What is meant by the terms heterozygous and homozygous?
What are the P, F1 and F2 generations?
How do you construct a Punnett square for one trait? For two independent traits?
What is meant by a dominant allele? a recessive allele?
What is partial dominance?  Incomplete dominance ? Codominance?
What is a test cross?
What is the principle of segregation?
What is the principle of independent assortment?
What are Walter Sutton’s six rules of inheritance?
What is meant by the term hemizygous?
What is sex linkage?
What is genetic linkage?
What is a map unit?

Chapter 10
What is the structure of a DNA molecule?
Which bases always pair together in DNA? in RNA?
What 3 parts make up a nucleotide?
What is meant by "one gene-one enzyme"? "one gene-one polypeptide"?
What is a virus?
What is a bacteriophage?
How do viruses reproduce?
What do we mean when we say DNA replication is semi-conservative?
What is polymerization?
What does DNA polymerase do?
What is a primer? What does it do?
What does primase do?
What is a replication fork?
In which direction does DNA always replicate itself?
What is an Okazaki fragment?
What does DNA ligase do?
What is meant by an origin of replication?
What is a mutation? What causes mutations?
What is a point mutation? What kinds of point mutations are there?
What are chromosomal mutations?
How does DNA repair itself?