Nervous System worksheet (Chapter 10)

The two lines below represent an axon. Add the charges that show a resting potential.





Now show which ions (positive and negative) are found outside and inside the axon.




Put the following steps of neuron impulse conduction in order:
    A. Sodium channels close and potassium channels open
    B. Voltage gated channels open at the axon trigger zone
    C .Graded potentials sum on the dendrites and cell bodies
    D. The resting membrane potential is re-established
    E. Sodium rushes into the cell
    F. Sodium is pumped out of the axon and potassium is pumped back into the axon
    G. Threshold is reached
    H. Moving charges cause the opening of more channels further down the axon

            ,          ,           ,          ,           ,           ,            ,              

Draw a peripheral nervous system neuron below and label: cell body, dendrites, axon, Nissl bodies, nucleus, node of Ranvier, Schwann cell, synaptic end bulbs, vesicles with neurotransmitter, axon terminal, axon collateral







Briefly list the functions for the following cells:



Oligodendrocyte (oligodendroglia):

Schwann cell (neurolemmocyte):

Ependymal cell:

Fill in the blanks:

                                                                                      Nervous System

                                                                               N.S.                                                           N.S.

                                                                                                N.S.                                                           N.S  


                                                                    N.S.                                                              N.S.

Identify the type of neuron below. Where might you find each type?


Name the three types of gated channels that give a graded response:

                                           Gated ion channels

                                          Gated ion channels

                                          Gated ion channels

Which one is associated with an all-or-none response?

                                          Gated ion channels

Saltatory conduction is associated with                                                 axons.


Where would you find acetylcholine used as a neurotransmitter? (Name at least 2 places)


Name two amino acids that act as neurotransmitters:


Name the catecholamines and tell why they are important neurotransmitters:


What neuropeptides act as the body’s natural pain killers?


What gas is used as a neurotransmitter and what widely advertised produce increases the production of this neurotransmitter?


Draw a converging circuit below:                                                                     Draw a diverging circuit below:







Which one of your figures shows spatial summation?


Nerve review:

1. In a resting nerve cell, the outside of the membrane is                                       charged, and just inside the membrane is                            charged.

2. The cell body and dendrites can have chemically, mechanically or light gated channels which open and allow sodium to enter the nerve. These are

 called                                potentials because the response is proportional to the strength of the stimulus.

3. When the trigger zone of the axon reaches                                                 , an                                                             is produced, and this is an

                           or                         response.

4. The opening of                                                          gated channels in the axolemma causes the electrical impulse to travel down the axon.

5. The axon reestablishes the resting potential by closing                                                    channels and opening                                            channels.

6. During an                                                        period no stimulus will cause the nerve to fire again.

7. During a                                                                             period, a strong stimulus (more than the normal threshold) will cause the nerve to fire.