Exercise 25
On Figure 25.1 and Models identify: auricle, tympanic membrane, outer ear,  middle ear, inner ear, semicircular canal, vestibule, oval window, cochlea, round window, auditory tube, malleus, incus, stapes, external auditory canal, external ear.
Be able to give functions for auricle, tympanic membrane, the three ossicles of the middle ear, cochlea, vestibule, semicircular canals and round window.

Perform Hearing tests: Acuity test, sound localization, Weber test, Rinne test
Understand what these tests are checking and the difference between  conductive and senorineural ( nerve) deafness.
What cranial nerve carries information for hearing and balance?

Equilibrium tests: balance test, banary test, Romberg test. What do these tests demonstrate?

Be sure to complete the review sheet in the back of the book for exercise 25.


Exercise 26
Do the following experiments:
Stimulation of taste buds, Plotting taste bud distribution, Combined effects of smell, texture and temperature on taste, Effect of olfactory stimulation on taste, Olfactory adaptation

Even though we refer to the "nasal epithelium" what type of cells are the actual olfactory receptor cells? What are the five taste sensations? What factors play a role in our sense of "taste"?

Observe the microscope slide: Tongue : identify papilla, taste bud

Be sure to complete the review sheet in the back of the book for exercise 26.