10/31 - 11/3

Exercise 19: Gross Anatomy of the Brain and Cranial Nerves
 Be able to define: central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, somatic division (nervous system), autonomic nervous system.

On  brain and brain models be able to identify: gyri (gyrus), sulci (sulcus), longitudinal fissure, central sulcus, frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, lateral sulcus, postcentral gyrus (pirmary somatosensory cortex), precentral gyrus ( primary motor cortex), olfactory bulbs and tracts, optic chiasma, optic tracts, pituitary gland, mammillary bodies,  pineal gland, thalamus, hypothalamus, infundibulum, corpus callosum, fornix, septum pellucidum, pons, corpora quadrigemina (superior and inferior colliculi), ventricles (lateral, 3rd, 4th and cerebral aqueduct), choroid plexus, cerebellum (vermis, arbor vitae), medulla oblongata, decussation of pyramids.
You do not have to memorize all the association areas or the basal nuclei. What functions are associated with the right hemisphere? With the left?
Meninges: know where you would find the dura matter, arachnoid (mater) and pia mater. On the head models be able to locate the dural sinuses: superior sagittal, transverse, sigmoid and occipital. Be able to trace the path of the cerebrospinal fluid from the choroid plexes to the arachoid villi.
Cranial nerves: On brain model be able to identify all 12 pairs of cranial nerves, and give their names and functions.
Sheep brain: On the sheep brain be able to identify: olfactory bulbs, optic chiasm, mammillary body, pineal gland, pons, cerebrum, cerebellum, pituitary ( if possible), dura mater, superior and inferior colliculi, corpus callosum, thalamus, fornix, medulla oblongata.

Exercise 18B: Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses: Computer Simulation  The usual warnings apply! Be sure to do this experiment and to answer the associated review questions!