11/14 - 11/17

Exercise 22: Human Reflex Physiology

Be able to define reflex and reflex arc, name and identify the elements of a reflex arc, and know why reflex testing is an important part of a physical examination. What is the difference between an autonomic reflex and a somatic reflex?
What level of the spinal cord does the patellar stretch reflex test? What level of the spinal cord does the ankle-jerk reflex test? What is Babinski's sign? Is it normal in newborns? Be sure to test the corneal reflex. You do not have to demonstrate the gag reflex. Test pupillary reflexes. What is meant by a consensual response? Be sure to answer all the questions in your lab manual.

Perform all the tests with the exception of activity 10.

Exercise 23: General sensation
What is meant by general sense? What is a special sense? What are proprioceptors?  What is meant by punctate distribution?
Perform all the exercises possible. Be sure you know what is happening for each and why it happens. Be able to recognize Meisner's corpuscles and Pacinian corpuscles on microscope slides and/or skin models.

You are responsible for all information listed in your lab manuals for these chapters!!