Chapter 22 :  Reproductive Systems
Reproduction is the process by which: new individuals of a species are produced and the genetic material is passed from generation to generation.Human beings reproduce sexually because they produce specialized reproductive cells called gametes : ova (ovum) in the female and sperm (spermatozoa) in the male.
    The fusion of the egg and sperm produce a cell called a zygote, which eventually becomes a new individual. The advantage of sexual reproduction is the mixing of the genetic material from two parents, which gives greater variability and therefore adaptability, to the species.
Similarities in males and females:
Each reproductive system has the same basic parts:
primary sex organs or gonads
: Ova in females ; Sperm in males
accessory sex organs
- internal and external

(transport and store gametes)
accessory sex glands
(produce materials that support gametes)
supporting structures
(have various roles in reproduction).
    The internal genital tracts of males and females develop from separate structures. Every embryo produces two sets of ducts, Wolffian and Mullerian ducts. In the male, the Wolffian ducts become the vas deferens and associated structures. In the female, the Mullerian ducts become the oviducts, uterus and vagina. In each sex, the set of ducts which is not used degenerates.
    External genitals come from the same embryonic structures in males and females.
The male:
Male gonads are the testes
or testicles, which are located in the scrotum.
    The scrotum
is a sac that hangs from the root of the penis and consists of loose skin and connective tissue. It supports the testes and regulates the temperature of the testes by contraction of muscles (Cremaster and dartos).The dartos muscle is found in the septum between the testes and under the skin of the scrotum. Contraction causes the skin to wrinkle.
    The cremaster muscle is an extension of the internal oblique muscle and raises the testes during sexual arousal and when the temperature becomes too cold, and brings them closer to the pelvic cavity. Relaxation causes the testes to move farther from the pelvic cavity. The production and survival of sperm depends on keeping them 3o C less than body temperature.
The testes descend into the scrotum a month or two before birth.  They pass through the abdominal wall at the inguinal canal, guided by a fibromuscular cord called the gubernaculum.  It is fastened to the testes and the skin of the scrotum. It brings the vas deferens, blood vessels and nerves that become the spermatic cord.
If fail to descend:cryptorchidism = infertility.  This is corrected by injections of testosterone or surgery
Structure of the testes:
The testes are surrounded by a serous membrane called the tunica vaginalis which is derived from the peritoneum, which ensures that the testes can move freely in the scrotum. They are surrounded by tough, white, fibrous capsule - tunica albuginea. This layer penetrates into the testes and divides it into lobules. Each lobule contains one to four seminiferous tubules, in which sperm cells are made.
Sperm formation- spermatogenesis (see also chapter 24)
Gametes differ from other cells in the body because they only have half the usual number of chromosomes (haploid). In humans, this would be 23 chromosomes. The body or somatic cells contain the diploid number, or 46. To get the haploid number of chromosomes the cells have to undergo a special type of division called meiosis (as opposed to mitosis).
    In humans, spermatogenesis takes about 65-70 days. It begins with the spermatogonia, which contain the diploid (2n) number of chromosomes. Spermatogonia are stem cells
(undifferentiated cells) because when they undergo division (mitosis), some of the daughter cells remain near the basement membrane in an undifferentiated state to serve as a reservoir for future sperm production. The rest of the cells lose contact with the basement membrane and become primary spermatocytes. These are also 2n. Sperm production stops at this stage until the onset of puberty, when, under the influence of testosterone, it resumes.
    In the first phase of meiosis (reduction division) the primary spermatocyte enlarges before dividing. Then two nuclear divisions take place. In the first, the DNA replicates and 46 chromosomes containing two identical chromatids line up at the center of the cell. They line up as homologous pairs, a process called synapsis, and at this point, portions of a chromatid from the maternal homolog may be exchanged with the corresponding part of the paternal homolog. This is called crossing -over, and is form of recombination, a shuffling of genetic material to increase variation. Next, the one member of each pair is pulled to opposite ends of the cell. The cells thus formed are called secondary spermatocytes.
    In the second stage of meiosis or equatorial division, there is no replication of DNA. The chromosomes, each composed of two chromatids, line up on the equatorial plane, and the chromatids of each chromosome separate from each other.
    The cells that are formed are now called spermatids and contain the haploid number of chromosomes.
    Through all these divisions, the cells have been moving from the basement membrane toward the lumen of the seminiferous tubule. During this time they have also maintained contact with one another. In the final stage of spermatogenesis, called spermiogenesis, the spermatids mature into sperm. It develops a head with an acrosome and a flagellum or tail. See fig. 22.6 in book
The head
contains the DNA.
The acrosome
contains enzymes which enable it to breakdown the layers surrounding the oocyte and allow penetration and fertilization.
The midpiece
contains many mitochondria to provide energy for swimming.
The tail
propels the sperm.
    About 300 million sperm mature each day from the onset of puberty.
    In addition to the sperm producing cells, there are other types of cells in the testes.  In addition to the cells that produce sperm, in the semiferous tubules there are also supporting cells, called sustentacular or Sertoli's cells. These are tall, columnar cells that extend the entire thickness of the epithelium, from the base to the lumen of the seminiferous tubule. They support, nourish and regulate the spermatogenic cells.
    Just internal to the basement membrane are tight junctions which form the blood-testis barrier . This barrier is important because the spermatogenic cells have surface antigens which are recognized by the immune system as foreign. This barrier prevents the blood cells from coming in contact with the spermatogenic cells. These cells also phagocytize excess spermatid cytoplasm during development, and produce fluid for sperm transport.
    In between the seminiferous tubules are interstitial cells, which produce testosterone.
    The duct system of the testes includes the seminiferous tubules, straight tubules, and rete testis, a network of channels. Sperm are transported out of the testes through the efferent ducts into a single tube called the ductus epididymis. The epididymis is located on the posterior surface of the testes and has a head, a body and a tail. The ductus epididymis, which is about 20 feet long, is the site of sperm maturation and storage. Over a 10-14 day period the motility of the sperm increases. The epididymus also helps propel sperm through peristaltic contractions. Sperm may remain in storage for a month or more. The ductus epididymis has psuedostratified columnar cells with long branching microvilli (non-motile cilia) called stereocilia which increase the surface area for the reabsorption of degenerated sperm. These cells secrete glycogen and other substances that support the sperm and promote maturation.
    The ductus epididymis enlarges in the tail and becomes less convoluted. At this point it is called the vas deferens. It passes into the body and loops around the ureter and down the back of the urinary bladder. The vas deferens stores sperm for up to several months and propels them toward the urethra during ejaculation. Cutting of the vas deferens to achieve sterility by blocking entry of sperm into semen is called vasectomy. Along side the vas deferens as it ascends in the scrotum are the testicular artery, autonomic nerves, veins, lymph vessels and the cremaster muscle; all these structures together make up the spermatic cord. The spermatic cord passes through the inguinal canal in the abdominal wall.
    Each ejaculatory duct is formed by the union of the duct from the seminal vesicle and vas deferens. It is the passageway for ejection of sperm and secretions of the seminal vesicles into the first portion of the urethra, the prostatic urethra. The male urethra is subdivided regionally into three portions: prostatic, membranous, and spongy (penile).
Accessory Sex Glands
or Male Internal Accessory Organs
The seminal vesicles secrete an alkaline, viscous fluid that constitutes about 60 percent of the volume of semen and contains fructose as an energy source for the sperm. Prostaglandins contribute to sperm motility and viability, and cause muscular contractions of the female reproductive organs - helping sperm to reach the ovum. The fluid produced by the seminal versicles also contains semenogelin , a coagulation protein unlike any in the blood, which causes the coagulation of semen after ejaculation.
The prostate gland surrounds the urethra just inferior to the urinary bladder. It secretes a milky, slightly alkaline fluid that constitutes about 25 percent of the volume of semen and contributes to sperm motility and viability. It also contains citrate as an energy source for the sperm and several proteolytic enzymes which liquify coagulated semen .
    The two bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands lie on either side of the membranous urethra and have ducts which empty into the spongy urethra. They secrete mucus in response to sexual stimulation, and lubricates the penis for intercourse. An alkaline substance neutralizes acid in the urethra.
    Semen is a mixture of sperm and accessory sex gland secretions. The average volume of semen in an ejaculation is about 2 to 6 ml, and contains about 50-150 million sperm per milliliter(ave. 120 million). When the sperm count falls below 20 million per ml, the male in likely to be infertile. Only a small fraction of sperm ever reach the oocyte, and it takes the combined efforts of many sperm to penetrate the oocyte. Semen provides the fluid in which sperm are transported, provides nutrients, and neutralizes the acidity of the male urethra and female vagina. Once ejaculated, the semen coagulates after about 5 minutes. After about 10-20 minutes it reliquifies. What the function of the coagulation is, is unknown.
    Sperm are nonmotile while in the testes and epididymis, but become activated by the secretions if the accessory glands. Sperm cannot fertilize an egg until they enter the female reproductive tract. Substances in the female tract weaken the membranes of the acrosome, making the enzymes available to break down the coverings of the ovum.
    Sperm can be stored for many weeks inside the body, but usually survive only a day or two after they leave the body.
    The penis
conveys urine and semen to the outside of the body. It consists of a root, body, and glans penis. The body is composed of three cylindrical masses of tissue each surrounded by a fibrous tissue called the tunica albuginea. The paired dorsolateral masses are called the corpora cavernosa and the smaller midventral mass is called the corpus spongiosum . The corpus spongiosum contains the spongy urethra, and functions in keeping the spongy urethra open during ejaculation.
    The corpus spongiosum enlarges at its distal end to form the glans penis. The glans contains the external urethral orifice, and many sensory receptors. Covering the glans penis is the loosely fitting prepuce or foreskin, which is removed in circumcision.
    All three corpora consist of erectile tissue permeated by blood sinuses. With sexual stimulation, the arteries supplying the penis dilate, and large quantities of blood enter blood sinuses. When these spaces expand, they compress the veins draining the penis, so the blood is trapped. These vascular changes result in and erection, which is a parasympathetic reflex caused by the release of nitric oxide. The penis again becomes flaccid when the arteries constrict.
    Emission, the movement of sperm cells from the test and secretions from the prostate and seminal vesicles into the urethra is a sympathetic reflex. As part of this reflex the sphincter at the base of the urinary bladder closes, so that urine is not expelled during ejaculation, and semen does not enter the urinary bladder. Ejaculation, the expulsion of the semen from the body, is triggered by the presence of semen in the urethra through spinal nerves in the sacral portion of the spinal cord. Immediately after ejaculation, the sympathetic impulses constrict the arteries to the erectile tissue, reducing blood flow, allowing the veins to remove the excess blood.

The Hypothalamus produces GnRH, stimulating:
    LH (ICSH) stimulates the interstitial (Leydig) cells to produce testosterone. This hormone may be converted in some cells, such as in the prostate and seminal versicles, to a more potent androgen called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
    FSH acts indirectly to stimulate spermatogenesis. FSH and testosterone act together to stimulate the sustentacular or Sertoli cells to produce androgen-binding protein (ABP) which binds to the testosterone and keeps the levels of testosterone in the seminiferous tubules high. Sustentacular cells are large cells in the seminiferous tubules that extend from the basement membrane to the lumen. These cells, in the presence of FSH and testosterone, stimulate the spermatogenic cells to make sperm. The sustentacular cells also secrete the hormone inhibin, which inhibits the anterior pituitary gland's production of FSH, preventing oversecretion.
    Testosterone stimulates the male pattern of development before birth and stimulates the descent of the testes. At puberty, testosterone and DHT bring about the development of the male sex organs and secondary sexual characteristics, such as muscular and skeletal growth, and adult male hair patterns, (depending on heredity,) and enlargement of the larynx which deepens the voice. These androgens also contribute to male sexual behavior and libido. Testosterone is an anabolic steroid hormone, which causes increased bone and muscle mass in males.

The female organs of reproduction include the ovaries (gonads which produce oocytes and hormones), uterine (Fallopian) tubes or oviducts, uterus, vagina, and vulva. The mammary glands are also considered part of the reproductive system.
    The ovaries are female gonads located in the upper pelvic cavity, on either side of the uterus and are held in place by a series of ligaments. They have the same embryonic origin as the testes, and like the male testes, descend from their original location near the kidneys to an area just below the pelvic brim.
    Each ovary has a hilus where blood vessels and nerves enter the ovary. The ovary has several layers:
The germinal epithelium, which is a misnomer, is a layer of simple squamous cells.
The tunica albuginea is a white capsule of dense connective tissue.
The stroma, which is made of connective tissue, can be divided into a cortex and medulla. The medulla is mostly loose connective tissue that contains many blood and lymphatic vessels, and nerve fibers.
    The ovarian follicles are found in the cortex and consist of oocytes at various stages of development and their surrounding cells. When they are in a single layer, the surrounding cells are called follicular cells, and later in development when they form several layers they are called granulosa cells. A mature or Graafian follicle is large, fluid filled follicle that will rupture and release a secondary oocyte in the process called ovulation. A corpus luteum is the remnant of a ruptured follicle, and produces progesterone, estrogen and relaxin, until it degenerates into fibrous tissue and becomes a corpus albicans.
    Production of the egg, or secondary oocyte, is also a complicated process, which is called oogenesis. During fetal development, germ cells differentiate into oogonia, which are cells that divide mitotically to produce millions of germ cells. Many of these cells degenerate, but a few develop into primary oocytes that enter prophase I of meiosis, but do not complete it until after puberty. At birth about a million oogonia and primary oocytes remain in each ovary, and of these, about 400 will mature and ovulate during a woman's reproductive lifetime. The rest undergo atresia or degeneration.
    Each primary oocyte is surrounded by a single layer of follicular cells, and this structure is called a primordial follicle. Periodically, a few primordial follicles begin to grow under the influence of FSH. They first become primary follicles which have first one, then several layers of surrounding cells. A layer of glycoprotein, called the zona pellucida, separates the oocyte from the granulosa cells. At the same time, the ovarian cells outside the follicle organize into two layers: an inner vascular layer (theca interna) composed of hormone secreting cells,connective tissue and blood vessels, and an outer fibrous layer (theca externa) made of connective tissue.
    The granulosa cells begin to secrete follicular fluid , which builds up in a cavity called the antrum in the center of the follicle. The follicle is now called a secondary follicle.
    After puberty, each month one secondary follicle resumes meiosis. The diploid primary follicle completes reduction division (meiosis I) and two cells of unequal size are produced. The smaller cell is called the first polar body, and is just a package of discarded nuclear material. The large cell has received most of the cytoplasm, and is called a secondary oocyte. The secondary oocyte begins meiosis II, but stops at metaphase. At ovulation, the secondary oocyte and first polar body are released. If fertilization does not occur, the secondary oocyte simply degenerates. If a sperm does manage to penetrate the oocyte, meiosis resumes and again there is an unequal division of cellular material. Another polar body is formed, and in the larger cell, the ovum, the nucleus of the sperm and ovum unite to form a zygote, which has the full (diploid or 2n) complement of chromosomes. The first polar body may also undergo another division. The end result is that one ovum and three polar bodies are produced from the primary oocyte. The polar bodies all degenerate. Compare with spermiogenesis where four sperm are produced from one spermatogonium. Why would the formation of only one egg be beneficial? (Hint:cleavage)
    The uterine (Fallopian) tubes
extend laterally from the uterus. The open end which faces the ovary is funnel shaped and is called the infundibulum. It has many fingerlike projections called fimbriae, one of which is attached to the ovary. Local currents produced by the movement of the fimbriae draw the ovum into the Fallopian tube. The Fallopian tubes are lined with ciliated columnar epithelium which create waves which move the ovum down the tube to the uterus. There are also some secretory cells with microvilli which may provide nutrition for the ovum. Peristaltic movements of the muscularis layer also help to propel the ovum toward the uterus. The secondary oocyte is usually fertilized in the outer one third of the Fallopian tube, although fertilization may occur in the abdominopelvic cavity. Fertilization can occur up to about 24 hours after ovulation. If the oocyte is fertilized, it should arrive in the uterus in about 7 days.
    The uterus is an organ the size and shape of an inverted pear that functions in menstruation, implantation of a fertilized ovum, development of a fetus during pregnancy, and labor. It also is part of the pathway for sperm to reach the uterine tubes to fertilize a secondary oocyte. The uterus is normally held in position by a series of ligaments. The uterus can be divided into a fundus, body and cervix. The secretory cells of the cervical mucosa produce about 20-60 ml of mucus per day. Around the time of ovulation, this mucus becomes thinner and more alkaline. The mucus provides for the energy needs of the sperm, protects sperm from the hostile environment of the vagina, and protects them from phagocytes. At other times of the cycle, the mucus becomes thicker and can form a cervical plug which physically impedes the passage of sperm into the uterus.
    Histologically, the layers of the uterus are: an outer perimetrium, middle myometrium, and inner endometrium.
    The perimetrium is a part of the visceral peritoneum.
   The bulk of the uterus is the myometrium. This consists of an inner and outer layer of longitudinal muscle and a middle circular layer. During labor, these muscles contract under the stimulation of oxytocin.
    The endometrium is highly vascular mucosa and is divided into two layers: the stratum functionalis which is closest to the uterine cavity is the layer which is shed during menstruation. The deeper layer is the stratum basalis and is a permanent layer, and gives rise to a new stratum functionalis after each menstrual cycle.
    The vagina is a passageway for sperm and the menstrual flow, the receptacle of the penis during sexual intercourse, and the inferior portion of the birth canal. It is capable of considerable distension. The mucosa of the vagina is continuous with that of the uterus, and consists of nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium. There are dendritic cells in the mucosa which are antigen-presenting cells and are thought to participate in the transmission of HIV to a female after intercourse with an infected male. The mucosa of the vagina contains large stores of glycogen, which decomposes to form large amounts of organic acids. This lowers the pH of the vagina, making it less susceptible to infection, but also making it less hospitable to sperm.
    The vulva is a collective term for the external genitals of the female. It consists of the mons pubis which is a pad of adipose tissue which cushions the pubic symphysis. The labia majora are folds of skin analogous to the scrotum. They contain adipose tissue, sebaceous glands and sweat glands. The labia minora are folds of skin which are medial to the labia majora and which contain many blood vessels and sebaceous or oil glands. The clitoris is homologous to the penis in the male and is also composed of two corpora cavernosa and a glans. The region within the labia minor is called the vestibule. Here we find the external urethral orifice, on either side of which are the openings of the ducts of the paraurethral glands. These glands secrete mucus and are homologous to the prostate gland. On either side of the vaginal orifice are the vestibular (Bartholin's) glands, which produce mucus during sexual arousal and are homologous to the bulbourethral glands.
    Read about erection, lubrication and orgasm in your book.
The female reproductive cycle is made up of two cycles : the ovarian cycle which is the series of events leading to the maturation and release of an oocyte, and the uterine or menstrual cycle, which prepares the uterus to receive the fertilized ovum.
    The uterine and ovarian cycles are controlled by GnRH from the hypothalamus, which stimulates the release of FSH and LH by the anterior pituitary gland. FSH stimulates the development of secondary follicles and initiates secretion of estrogens by the follicles. LH stimulates further development of the follicles, secretion of estrogens by follicular cells, ovulation, and the secretion of progesterone and estrogens by the corpus luteum.
have four important functions:
    1 )stimulate the growth, development, and maintenance of female reproductive structures, secondary sex characteristics and the breasts
    2) they help regulate fluid and electrolyte balance.
    3) they stimulate protein synthesis.
    4) they lower blood cholesterol level ( women under 50 have a much lower risk of coronary artery disease than do men.
Moderate levels of estrogen in the blood inhibit the release of GnRH and LH and FSH. This is the basis of birth control pills.
Progesterone is secreted mainly by the corpus lutem and works with estrogens to prepare the endometrium for implantation and the mammary glands for milk synthesis. High levels of progesterone also inhibit GnRH and LH and FSH.
   Relaxin is another hormone produced by the corpus luteum. It relaxes the uterus by inhibiting uterine contractions which presumably aids implantation. During pregnancy, relaxin is produced by the placenta, and continues to relax the smooth muscle of the uterus. It also relaxes the pubic symphysis and helps dilate the uterine cervix to aid in delivery.
Phases of the Female Reproductive Cycle:
The typical female reproductive cycle runs about 24-35 days, with 28 days being average. It can be divided into three phases: The menstrual phase, the preovulatory phase, and the postovulatory phase.
The menstrual phase takes place during days 1-5. FSH release stimulates maturation of the follicles. At this time 20 or so small follicles , some in each ovary, begin to enlarge. In the uterus the stratum functionalis of the endometrium is shed, discharging about 50 -150 ml of blood , tissue fluid, mucus, and epithelial cells. The declining levels of estrogen and progesterone in the blood cause the spiral arteries of the uterus to constrict, and the surrounding cells become ischemic and die, and are sloughed off.
Ovaries: The preovulatory phase is the time between menstruation and ovulation. This phase is the most variable in length, and the differences account for the longer or shorter cycles. It is usually from day 6 to 13 in a 28 day cycle. In the ovaries, under the influence of FSH, our 20 follicles are continuing to grow. Granulosa cells produce increasing amounts of estrogen and some progesterone. The estrogen produced inhibits the release of LH, but causes it to be stored in the anterior pituitary gland.
    By day 6, one follicle has outgrown the others and is the dominant follicle. Estrogen and inhibin secreted by the dominate follicle inhibit the secretion of FSH by the pituitary and inhibits the development of the other follicles, which then degenerate. The dominant follicle continues to develop into a mature or Graafian follicle in preparation for ovulation. If two (or more) follicles achieve codominance, both may ovulate and result in fraternal twins. The rise in estrogen also causes the secretion of LH. Within the follicle, the granulosa cells around the oocyte loosen the connection to the inner wall, and fluid accumulates. With regard to the ovaries, the menstrual phase and the preovulatory phase are called the follicular phase because the follicles are developing.
Uterus: The estrogens produced by the developing follicles cause the cells of the stratum basalis to undergo mitosis and produce a new stratum functionalis. The glandular epithelium of the uterine lining thickens, and the thickness of the endometrium doubles. This is the proliferative phase in the uterus.
About day 14 of a 28 day cycle , when the estrogen levels are high enough, they exert a positive feedback on the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary causing the the anterior pituitary to releases the stored LH - resulting in a surge that lasts about 36 hours. It is this surge in LH that tests which indicate ovulation measure. This surge in LH weakens and ruptures the wall of the follicle, and the oocyte is released = Ovulation is the rupture of the mature follicle. The secondary oocyte is released into the pelvic cavity; it takes with it two layers: a clear glycoprotein layer called the zona pellucida, and the first layer of granulosa cells.?
    After ovulation, the mature follicle collapses, and the follicular cells of the theca interna enlarge and change to form the corpus luteum under the influence of LH. The corpus luteum , under the influence of LH, secretes progesterone, estrogen, and relaxin. As the corpus luteum becomes established, blood levels of progesterone rise.
    The slight rise in progesterone just before ovulation increases the basal temperature by about 0.4 -0.6 o F. The next 24 hours are the most likely time for pregnancy to occur. Changes also occur in the cervical mucus, and a woman may experience pain around the ovaries which is called mittelschmerz ( MIT-el-shmarts).
    Which is the ovulating hormone ? (LH) Could ovulation occur if FSH remained low throughout the menstrual cycle? (no- because a follicle would not develop.)
The postovulatory phase During the postovulatory phase, is the most constant in duration, and lasts for 14 days, from day 15 to 28 in the 28 day cycle. It is the time between ovulation and the onset of the next menstrual cycle.
    For the ovaries, this is called the luteal phase because it is under the control of the secretions of the corpus luteum. If fertilization does not occur, after two weeks the secretions of the corpus luteum decline, and it degenerates into the corpus albicans. The decline in estrogen and progesterone bring on menstruation and promote the release of GnRH, FSH and LH, which begin the maturation of more follicles.
    In the uterus, the progesterone produced by the corpus luteum promote the growth of the endometrial glands which secrete glycogen, vascularization of the stratum functionalis and an increase in the amount of tissue fluids containing nutrients and electrolytes to provide a favorable environment for development of the embryo.. These changes reach their peak about one week after ovulation, at about the time the fertilized ovum would reach the uterus. For the uterus, this is called the secretory phase because of the activity of the glands of the uterus.
    GnRH - FSH - follicles produce estrogen- estrogen causes the release of LH- LH causes ovulation and formation of corpus luteum- corpus luteum produces progesterone ( and estrogen)

A secondary oocyte can be fertilized for about 24 hours after ovulation. Sperm can usually remain viable for about 48 hours (up to 72). So there is a three day window during which fertilization can occur - from two days before to one day after ovulation. Fertilization normally occurs in the outer third of the Fallopian tube, although it may also occur in the abdominopelvic cavity. Sperm swim up the up the female reproductive tract, and are aided by muscular contractions the uterus stimulated by prostaglandins in the semen. The oocyte may also secrete a chemical substance that attracts sperm. The sperm undergo functional changes while in the female tract , and these changes are called capacitation. These changes allow the sperm to be able to fertilize the oocyte. During this process the membrane around the acrosome becomes fragile, and the enzymes it contains are released. Remember it requires the enzymatic action of many sperm to allow one sperm to penetrate the ovum. Normally only one sperm penetrates the egg, and this is called syngamy. When the first sperm enters the secondary oocyte, the cell depolarizes causing the release of Calcium ions inside the cell. The calcium stimulates the release of granules which promote changes in the zona pellucida which blocks the entry of other sperm. It is at this point the secondary oocyte completes its division, and the nuclei of the ovum and sperm unite to form a cell with the diploid number of chromosomes, called a zygote.
Dizygotic (fraternal) vs. Monozygotic (identical) twins. Fraternal twins occur when two separate eggs are ovulated and fertilized. These individuals may be of different sexes, and are no more alike than any other brother or sister. Identical twins occur when a single egg is fertilized. As the cells grow and divide, they break apart and form two individuals with the same genetic makeup (clones).
    After fertilization the zygote undergoes rapid mitotic cell division. Because these divisions do not increase the size of the zygote, they are called cleavage. Over a period of days, these cleavages produce a solid sphere of cells, which is still surrounded by the zona pellucida. At this point it is called a morula.
    At four and a half to five days, the cells have developed into a hollow ball of cells called a blastocyst, and enters the uterus. The blastocyst has an outer layer of cells called the trophoblast, an inner cell mass and a fluid filled cavity called the blastocele. The trophoblast and part of the inner cell mass will form the membranes of the fetal portion of the placenta, and the rest of the inner cell mass forms the embryo.
    The blastocyst remains free in the uterus for a short time, during which the zona pellucida disintegrates. The blastocyst receives nourishment from the glycogen produced by the glands in the endometrium, and the blastocyst enlarges. About 6 days after ovulation, the blastocyst attaches to the wall of the uterus, a process called implantation. When the blastocyst implants, it orients itself so that the inner cell mass is toward the endometrium. The blastocyst secretes enzymes which allow it to penetrate into (digest) the endometrial wall. The cells it digests serves to nourish the blastocyst for about a week after implantation.
    Implantation can also occur in the Fallopian tube, cervix, or the abdominal cavity. Implantation anywhere outside the uterus is called ectopic pregnancy. It is possible for a fetus to grow in the abdominal cavity, but growth within the Fallopian tube causes the tube to rupture, resulting in severe bleeding.
    As early as 8 -12 days after fertilization, the blastocyst begins to secrete human chorionic gonadotropin. The hCG keeps the corpus luteum active, until the placenta can begin to produce estrogens and progesterone. This is the basis for pregnancy tests.
    The inner cell mass forms two cavities: the yolk sac and the amniotic cavity. The function of the yolk sac in humans is not to provide food, but rather to produce blood cells and other functions. The amniotic cavity becomes the fluid filled cavity in which the embryo floats. The fluid is produced from fetal urine, and secretions from the skin, respiratory tract, and amniotic membranes. In between the yolk sac and the amniotic cavity is the embryonic disc, which gives rise to the three primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.
    The gestation period, or the length of pregnancy, is divided into three trimesters. During the first trimester the new individual starts out as a zygote, then morula, then blastocyst at which stage implantation occurs. The developing human then become known as an embryo .The embryonic phase of development lasts from fertilization until the end of the 8th week of gestation, when the embryo becomes a fetus. By day thirty-five the heart is beating; the eyes and the limb buds are present. By month four, the rudiments of all organ systems are formed and functioning, and from then on fetal development is just a matter of growth. At the end of the third month, the placenta is functioning.
    The chorion, from the outer cells of the morula, develops into the fetal part of the placenta. The chorionic villi connect the fetal circulation to the placenta. The placenta is composed of both fetal and maternal tissues, and serves five functions:
1. Transfer of gases , much as in the lungs.
2. transport of nutrients . Glucose , fatty acids, K, Na and Cl all diffuse across the placenta, other substances are actively transported.
3. excretion of wastes such as urea, uric acid and creatinine diffuse into the maternal blood.
4. Hormone production - the placenta is a temporary endocrine gland, secreting estrogen and progesterone, until by the third month the corpus luteum is no longer needed to maintain pregnancy, and prepares the mother's body for delivery and lactation.
5. Formation of a barrier- There is normally no mixing of fetal and maternal blood, and the membranes form a barrier to the passage of some drugs and toxins. The barrier is incomplete and nonselective, so some substances, such as alcohol, steroids, narcotics, anesthetics, some antibiotics and some organisms can cross this barrier.
Quickening is the term used to describe the first movements of the fetus felt by the mother, usually occurring during months four or five of pregnancy. By month seven the fetus is quite active. During the last month the fetus becomes less active, usually due to space considerations.
    At the end of pregnancy both the mother and the uterus become "irritable", and the uterus undergoes Braxton Hicks contractions: intermittent, painless contractions which can come 10 to 20 minutes apart. They become more frequent as the pregnancy progresses, and can sometimes be mistaken for the onset of labor. At the end of pregnancy the cervix begins to thin and dilate. Labor has three stages:
    Stage one- this is the period from the start of true labor contractions until the dilation of the cervix is complete at ten centimeters. When labor begins the uterine contractions cause the cervix to dilate and the amniotic sac may rupture. Usually lasts from 6 to 24 hours, depending on the number of previous deliveries.
    Stage two- the period from maximal cervical dilation to the birth of the baby, lasting a few minutes to an hour. Contractions become more intense and frequent.
    Stage three- the expulsion of the placenta, which usually occur within 15 minutes after the birth of the baby, but can range from 5 to 60 minutes.
   The mammary glands are modified sweat glands whose function is to synthesize, secrete, and eject milk (lactation).The breasts lie over the pectoralis major muscles, and are attached to them by the connective tissue ligaments of Cooper. Breast size is determined more by the fat around the glandular tissue, than by the glandular tissue. Each breast has 15 to 20 lobes made up of several lobules. The lobules are made of the milk-secreting cells arranged in alveoli.( Note the similarity with the construction of the lungs). The alveoli are surrounded by myoepithelial cells which contract to move the milk out of the alveoli. Milk passes from the alveoli into secondary tubules, then into mammary ducts. Close to the nipple the mammary ducts expand to form lactiferous sinuses where some milk may be stored. Milk then passes into lactiferous ducts which open onto the nipple. The colored area around the nipple is the areola (a-REE- o-la).
    Milk production is stimulated mostly by prolactin with some help from estrogen and progesterone. Ejection or milk let down occurs under the influence of oxytocin.