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African History Timeline



bullet50,000-40,000 BP Upper Paleolithic Efflorescence
bullet20,000 BP intensive grass seed gathering
bullet8,000 BP Dry phase-early spread of agriculture and pastoralism.
bullet3000 BCE Unification of Egypt
bullet3000 BCE Farming in forest zone
bullet2000-1500 BCE Bantu Expansion
bullet300 BCE Meroe
bullet300 CE Axum
bullet600 CE Kingdom of Ghana
bullet750 CE First Muslims in East Africa
bullet1200 CE Empire of Mali and Swahili Civilization in East Africa
bullet1400 First Forest States-Kongo, Akan States
bullet1480 Portuguese on West African Coast
bullet1500 Portuguese on East African Coast
bullet1600 Rise of Songhai Empire in West Africa
bullet1680 Dutch in South Africa, Oman drives Portuguese from Swahili coast
bullet1700 British and Dutch on West African Coast-Atlantic Slave trade expands
bullet1700 Rise of Asante and Dahomey Kingdoms in West Africa
bullet1800 Fulani Jihads in West Africa
bullet1820 Gold Coast Colony (Britain) and St. Louis(French) in West Africa
bullet1840 French in Algeria
bullet1850 use of quinine as anti-malarial
bullet1885 Berlin Conference
bullet1900 Virtually all of Africa colonized
bullet1905 Anglo-Boer War
bullet1914 World War I
bullet1929 Great Depression
bullet1930 many Anti-colonial Organizations formed
bullet1939 World War II
bullet1949 Apartheid in South Africa
bullet1950s Anti-colonial efforts begin to succeed
bullet1960 decolonization begins in most French and British colonies
bullet1975 Portuguese colonies get independence
bullet1980 white rule in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe ends
bullet1990 Apartheid ends in South Africa
bullet1990s Economic decline in sub-Saharan Africa
bullet1990s Post-Cold War political order