
ANSC 6903 - Current Issues in Animal Agriculture

This course is designed to expose graduate students to current issues that have a significant impact on industry involved with producing animal for human use.  Such issues may include but are not limited to:  governmental policy (domestic and foreign), animal rights/welfare, biotechnology, food safety, environment, etc.  Students should be able to research assigned topics and participate in intellectual discussions of these topics. 

Web courses may be new to some of you.  The closest analogy I can think of is a correspondence course.  You might ask, how many hours should I devote to this course per week.   If this course were being taught using a traditional format, we would meet for class about 2.5 hours, three times per week.  If you add on  4 to 5 hours per week of studying, then you should spend a minimum of 11-12 hours per week on this course.  Therefore, this should provide you with ample time to research the weekly topics, participate in class discussions, and submit one paper per week.

This is the first time I have offered this course, so it will be a learning process for me as well. The course may require some reevaluation before the it is completed.  Please beat with me on this.  

I also understand that technology is great when it works.  When it is doesn't, it can cause a lot of frustration.  Internet, computer, etc. problems may cause you to be late with submitting assignments.  If your problems are legitimate, then I will give you extra time.  Please do not rely on the network going down to get more time.   I have offered web courses before, so I know of many of the problems you may encounter.

Some of you have full-time jobs as well that may occasionally cause a conflict.  Please let me know of any potential conflicts ASAP so we can make arrangements.

The way you ask me questions and discuss course  issues we me is via email.  Please do not hesitate to email me.  I will check my email several times per day, and reply to you promptly.

Check the  Blackboard daily for any announcements and assignments.

Course Requirements

Weekly papers and class discussion on the Blackboard discussion page: ~500 points 

All of you are graduate students; therefore, I have higher expectations for you than undergraduates.  So, I will expect graduate caliber papers and discussions.  Please devote the time you need to make this a meaningful course for you.  Your grade will reflect the time you spent and the quality of work you submit.  I guarantee it. 

Paper requirements:


body of the paper minimum 4 pages, maximum 6 pages.



bulletleft-hand margin 1.5, right - 1.0
bullettop and bottom margins max. 1.0
bulletmaximum font size - 12.
bulletreference page (not counted as a page), with a minimum of three references.
bulletsubmitted as an attached email file in Word or Wordperfect format. 
bulletpaper should be written in "your own words", DO NOT cut and paste off the web!
bulletgrammatical correct
bulletcontent should be of graduate-student caliber.