Assignment Two

Due:  July 15, 2002.

For the second assignment let's focus on biotechnology, more specifically genetic engineering and cloning.  Use the same guidelines (from syllabus) for writing the paper, which will be a discussion of the following topics:

bulletIf asked by someone, how would you describe biotechnology that deals with genetic engineering (or DNA manipulation)? (20)
bulletDescribe some of the major biotech. applications (e.g. pharmaceuticals, BST, etc.).
bulletDiscuss  using BST/BGH or other growth hormones (e.g., PST) in food animals.  This has been  a controversial issue not only with consumers but with dairy producers as well.  Why is BST controversial? Why would dairy producers oppose BST if research showed that it would economically increase milk production in their cows, on average, 8-10 lb/day? What are the economic implications that have been discussed with using BST or BGH in dairy cows?   The proponents of BST/BGH use refer to the hormone as BST (bovine somatotropin) and the opponents prefer BGH (bovine growth hormone).  Why is that? (30)
bulletThe birth of the cloned ewe Dolly sparked much discussion on cloning of animals (and humans).  Let's keep our discussion focused on cloning of farm animals.  Discuss positive and negative aspects of cloning farm animals.   (25)
bulletBlackboard Discussion Board: Please feel free to begin a new thread on the discussion board.  This week let's include in our discussions the ethics of animal cloning.  There are several links below that cover ethics. (25)

Helpful Links

Roslin Institute - Edinburg


Biotechnology in Animal Feeds

Ethics of Biotechnology

Quietly, animal cloning speeds onward

The Benefits of Animal Cloning

The Ethics of Cloning

Is it Right to Clone Animals?

The Great Clone Debate

An Interview with Ian Wilmut - creator of Dolly