Arkansas State University

Food Safety Roundtables



This questionnaire designed to help us determine what type of food safety training events you might need or desire.  ASU has been offering bimonthly Roundtables for meat and poultry processors.  Attendance as been moderate to light, and we would like some ideas on how we can improve attendance.  We are also interested in providing low-cost workshops.  Please provide us with feedback so we will know what types of workshops to offer.   Thanks!

Directions for email: Click reply.  To select a check box, triple click on boxes then click inside the box to make your selection.  A check should appear inside the box.

1. Please include any comments about the previous Roundtables you have attended.



2. If you have not attended a Roundtable, please indicate reasons for not attending.

I don't have the time    I am adequately trained  my company will not allow me to attend  to far to travel

dates and times were not convenient  topics did not interest me 

other reasons:

3. In the area below, please offer suggestions for topic(s) you desire to have covered at future Roundtables.


4. What day(s) of the week is best for you to attend Roundtable/Workshops?

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday  Saturday

The next series of questions pertain to workshops.

5. Please indicate your interest level for having a HACCP and/or a food-safety workshop at ASU.

  not interested   interested  very interested 

6. If your are interested in workshops presented by food-safety experts, please indicate in the space below what type of workshop would be helpful to you.  Some of the possibilities might be Basic HACCP, Advanced HACCP, E.Coli, Listeria, other.


7. What is the maximum number of days you could attend a workshop at ASU?


8. Indicate the maximum amount you would pay to attend a workshop (cost per person).

One-day workshop     $50      $75      $100

Two-day workshop    $100       $150  $200  $250

Three-day workshop  $300     $350  $400  $450

9. What is the size of your establishment?

Very Small    Small    Large (greater than 500 employees)

10. Other comments.